Dienstag, 6. März 2012

Snes Fleamarket Finds

Been a little while since the last post, but that´s because I have been pretty busy lately.

In the last 2 weeks I whas at a couple of fleamarkets looking for retro gamesystems and it was pretty decent. At my first visit I was able to pick up a SNES in perfect condition with all the hook ups including Super Mario World and Street Fighter 2 for 30 bucks.

At my second visit I found a vendor who was selling all kinds of electronics and he also had a ton of systems. But mostly just Gamecubes and Xbox stuff. But there also was a box full of NES and SNES games so I picked up Super Castlevania 4, Mortal Kombat, F-Zero, Super Star Wars, Super Return of the Jedi, and an NTSC Contra 3: Alien Wars. all for 30 bucks. I was pretty happy with that deal, especially getting Castlevania 4.

The same Vendor was also selling an Atari 2600 Junior but he was asking 40 Dollars for it and I couldn´t talk him down to a better price. But I´ll be back soon and hope to still find a couple of mroe games there.

Since I am from Austria I can´t play Contra 3 on my Pal Snes so I bought a Fire NTSC to PAL adapter today, but for some reason it wasn´t able toget Contra 3 to work. So If anybody got any tips on that I´´d appreciate it if you can tell me in the comments.
